*All times listed are in Central Time
9:00 - 11:30 APR Board Meeting (board members only)
10:00 - Noon Balcones Resources MRF Tour
Balcones Resources is one of the contracted recyclables processors for the city of Austin, and the company's 100,000-square-foot facility plays a central role in allowing the city to continue to evolve its materials recovery initiatives. Come get a firsthand look at the range of technologies and separation strategies in use at the MRF and learn more about Balcones' approach to growth and relationship-building in the greater Texas region. The MRF is a high-traffic environment with high-powered equipment, and the safety of all employees and guests is our top priority. All tour guests will be required to follow the safety instructions and always stay with their guide. Attendees must wear closed-toe shoes; all other PPE will be provided on-site. Part of the standard tour route involves climbing stairs. Let us know if you have mobility limitations so that we can provide an accessible tour.
- Tour is full, contact Ali to be added to the waitlist.
1:00 - 3:30 Opening General Session
- The State of Plastics Recycling: Steve Alexander, APR
- Your APR at Work: 2022 Milestones & 2023 Goals
- Getting People to Recycle Correctly at Home: Josephine Valencia, City of San Antonio Solid Waste Management
- Expert Analysis of PET Pricing & Trends: Emily Friedman, ICIS
- The Rising Tide of the U.S. Plastics Pact: Emily Tipaldo, U.S. Plastics Pact
4:00 - 5:00 Workshop: APR Communications Training
APR is leading the way in driving proactive, positive messages about the plastic recycling industry and in responding to criticisms lobbed against it. This training, designed with your company's communications team in mind, covers how effective communications can serve to protect and promote the plastic recycling industry, and to help to achieve key policy outcomes.
- Kara Pochiro, APR
- Caitlin Sickles, Bracewell
5:00 - 7:00 Networking Reception
Light hors d'ouevres and drink tickets provided.